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[ NEWS ] : offensive-security-hacking-tournament

Got the itch to hack something but don’t want to spend time in prison? Do you wish there was a legal way you could hack some servers just for fun? Then we have a challenge for you. Offensive Security Training is initiating its first ever “Open Hacking Tournament” , and as you can imagine, we’re not going to play fair.
What do you have to do to win this challenge? Use the Internet, use your skills, call your friends, heck, ask your mama – whatever it takes for you to hack our lab machines.
You will race against the clock and against other “hackers” to be the first to compromise all our lab servers, in a CTF style, “sudden death” tournament.
On the Table: One FREE, PWB OR CTP online course with 30 days of labs for the single winner.
On the Clock: The contest will commence between the 8th and 9th of May, 2010.
Job to be Done: Hack the living heck out of our challenge servers, and submit your documentation.
How to Win: Hack us the fastest.

more informations :


The tools and informations on this site are provided for legal security research and testing purposes only.
You will be held responsible for your own actions.
have fun and good hunting .


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