Interested in Connecting with Stanford University? Hi, My name is Brad. I’m contacting you on behalf of Stanford University, in regards to your blog noticed that you talk about topics related to our certificate program. We were wondering if there was anything we could do to get mentioned on your website. Whether it's a guest post, you blogging about the program, or Stanford sponsoring a past post, we're open to just about anything. We ask you because your blog has the type of readers that would be interested in our Computer Security or Data Mining Courses. Here's a link to our program page: If there are any requirements to get featured on your blog, please let us know. Thank you so much for your time to read our request!
The tools and informations on this site are provided for legal security research and testing purposes only.
You will be held responsible for your own actions.
have fun and good hunting .
hi brother how are you!
good job man
i like metasploit
hi bro , imiss you :)
im fine thx
have a good time
Interested in Connecting with Stanford University?
My name is Brad. I’m contacting you on behalf of Stanford University, in regards to your blog noticed that you talk about topics related to our certificate program. We were wondering if there was anything we could do to get mentioned on your website. Whether it's a guest post, you blogging about the program, or Stanford sponsoring a past post, we're open to just about anything. We ask you because your blog has the type of readers that would be interested in our Computer Security or Data Mining Courses.
Here's a link to our program page:
If there are any requirements to get featured on your blog, please let us know.
Thank you so much for your time to read our request!
Brad Merkel
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